Many scientists and archaeologists study the Amazon because Ecuador considers it an ecological and cultural frontier in Amazonian archaeology.
This essay will explain how the Ecuadorian Amazon has become a popular scientific destination and how it has changed the world through local and global research media.
Amazonian Archaeology
At present, it is evident that Amazonian archaeology has provided several contributions to the cultural developments that exist in the South American continent, highlighting that Ecuador and its past cultures continue to stand out in this type of aspects.
New archaeological events are unearthed in the Amazon every year, but much effort remains to grasp the rich past, whose traces were disrupted by territorial expansion long ago.
The Amazon Archaeology carries great challenges and mysteries, because the work and mission of archaeologists and informants is to reflect the history of the Amazonian peoples since ancient times that is based on verifiable and factual facts.
Key aspects to understand Amazonian archaeology in Ecuador
Different sites exist in the Ecuadorian Amazon, including the northern, central, and southern areas. These different sections reveal various findings about the history of the place.
All the rivers that shape the Amazon basin originate in the High Amazon, which runs along the eastern mountain range. Adaptability will distinguish Amazonian material culture, so studying and interpreting a high or low forest differs.
North/ Central/ South Zone or Region
In the northern region, research is specifically developed in the provinces that are in that section, among these the most known: Sucumbios, Napo, Orellana and Pastaza, where there are investigations of the oil, environmental and mining industry, and there have also been explorations of hydroelectric plants.
This type of work is subject to the law because it is necessary to carry out an environmental study to verify if there is an opportunity for archaeological salvage in certain areas.
You may ask yourself, why are these explorations necessary in these places, because the answer is simple, everything is done in order to discover new findings and not to destroy the heritage vestiges. The effects of this would be the creation of a contract archaeology.
Despite extensive exploration, the principal Amazonian cultures remain unknown.
Another noteworthy fact is that large local and foreign institutions perform academic archaeological research in the central-southern Amazon. For example, one of the local universities is the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. These academic entities are in charge of funding specific projects that are in progress and also contribute with general research.
Archaeological evidence studied in Amazonia
Three Amazon zones’ archaeological findings illuminate South American ancestors. Eastern Ecuador’s high and low jungles may have had pre-ceramic cultures. These findings are erroneous since more data on older generations’ habits is needed.
Numerous Bracamoros sites are in Zamora Chinchipe. Ceramic materials have been found that are estimated to have been made during the seventh and seventeenth centuries. There have also been evident signs of mining operations during those times.
About two thousand five hundred years ago, agriculture supported a tribe in the Upano Valley, eastern Ecuadorian Amazon, according to Science magazine. These artifacts may represent Mayan metropolitan centers in Mexico and Guatemala, according to some scientists and archaeologists.
The Ecuadorian Amazon as a research and archeological destination
The Ecuadorian Amazon is lovely, but its origins and millions-year-old history are unknown. Professionals can study biodiversity, botany, archeology, and more in the eastern Ecuadorian Amazon.
In all the provinces of the eastern region there are several lodges that Responsible Travel works with to make your experience unparalleled. While you will have the opportunity to travel and learn, you can also do professional work within the areas for educational and science purposes to promote valuable information in different media.
There is still much to explore about the flora and fauna of the Amazon. There are approximately more than twenty-five thousand species of plants, and with respect to the fauna there is a great biodiversity of amphibians, mammals, reptiles, fish, insects and birds. The Ecuadorian Amazon is famous worldwide and a constant subject of research because of fresh findings.
Archaeology still yields fresh finds. I hope my essay helped and you can visit Ecuador soon to see its beauty.