Benvenuto nella terra dell'equatore, dove la diversità naturale e culturale ti lascerà senza fiato. L'Ecuador, un paese situato in Sud America, offre un'esperienza unica per gli amanti della natura, dell'avventura e della cultura. Preparati a vivere un'esperienza indimenticabile in Ecuador!
Regione Sierra: Scopri le Ande ecuadoriane, con i loro impressionanti paesaggi montuosi, i villaggi coloniali e i mercati indigeni ricchi di colore e tradizione.
Regione Costa: Goditi le splendide spiagge, i pittoreschi villaggi di pescatori e la ricca gastronomia sulla costa ecuadoriana.
Regione Amazzonia: Immergiti nella foresta amazzonica ecuadoriana, dove potrai esplorare una delle regioni più biodiverse del pianeta e conoscere le comunità indigene che abitano la zona.
Regione delle isole Galápagos: Visita le famose isole Galápagos, un paradiso naturale unico al mondo, dove potrai vedere da vicino una incredibile varietà di specie animali e goderti attività come lo snorkeling e l'immersione subacquea.
Voli diretti: Da città come Madrid, Barcellona, Amsterdam e Francoforte, è possibile trovare voli diretti per Quito o Guayaquil. Il tempo di volo di solito è di circa 11-14 ore, a seconda della città di partenza e delle scale.
Scali comuni: Le scali più comuni sono solitamente a città come Miami, Bogotà, Panama o Madrid, con tempi di attesa che variano da 1 a 5 ore.
Per via aerea: I voli da Quito o Guayaquil alle isole Galápagos durano circa 2-3 ore. Le principali compagnie aeree che operano questi voli sono Aeroregional, Avianca e LATAM.
Le Isole Galápagos: Senza dubbio, una delle destinazioni più iconiche dell'Ecuador. Questo arcipelago è famoso per la sua biodiversità unica e per essere il luogo dove Charles Darwin ha sviluppato la sua teoria dell'evoluzione. I turisti possono godersi attività come lo snorkeling, l'immersione subacquea, l'osservazione degli uccelli e passeggiate lungo sentieri naturali.
Scopri le Isole Galápagos in modo indimenticabile. Puoi esplorare questo paradiso naturale imbarcandoti in una crociera di almeno 4 giorni di durata, oppure puoi soggiornare in hotel nelle principali isole come Santa Cruz, Isabela e San Cristóbal.
Quito: La capitale dell'Ecuador, dichiarata Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO, è famosa per la sua impressionante architettura coloniale e le sue chiese storiche. I turisti possono visitare il centro storico, prendere il Teleférico per godersi viste panoramiche, e il vicino vulcano Pichincha per fare escursioni.
Cuenca: Un'altra città dichiarata Patrimonio dell'Umanità dall'UNESCO, Cuenca è famosa per le sue strade lastricate, le sue bellissime chiese e la sua ben conservata architettura coloniale. I turisti possono visitare musei, mercati di artigianato e gustare la gastronomia locale.
Amazzonia ecuadoriana: La foresta amazzonica in Ecuador offre un'esperienza unica per gli amanti della natura. I turisti possono partecipare a escursioni per osservare la flora e la fauna, visitare comunità indigene ed esplorare i fiumi e le lagune della regione.
Spiagge della costa ecuadoriana: l'Ecuador vanta una costa impressionante con spiagge incontaminate e tranquille, perfette per rilassarsi e godersi il sole e il mare. Destinazioni come Montañita, Salinas e Mompiche sono popolari tra i turisti europei.
Questi sono solo alcuni esempi delle destinazioni turistiche più rilevanti che l'Ecuador ha da offrire, consultate il vostro consulente di viaggio per un piano personalizzato.
Giorno 01: Arrivo a Quito, Benvenuti a Quito.
Giorno 02: Tour della città coloniale, lezione di cucina e monumento La Mitad del Mundo (Il Medio del Mondo)
Giorno 03: Esplorate la cultura locale al mercato di Otavalo e fate un'escursione al lago Cuicocha
Giorno 04: Da Quito al Parco Nazionale Yasuni, viaggio da Coca al Parco Nazionale di Yasuni
Giorno 05: Attività amazzonica - visita sul sentiero dei pericos
Giorno 06: Attività amazzonica - passeggiata nel sentiero Mama Kuna.
Giorno 07: Rituale facoltativo della wayusada - trasferimento a Quito
Giorno 08: Da Quito a Isla San Cristóbal, Benvenuti sull'Isola di San Cristóbal! Visitate il Centro di Interpretazione, la collina di Tijeretas o La Lobería.
Giorno 09: Tour dell'isola di San Cristóbal: Punti salienti, spiagge e vita marina.(Tour 360)
Giorno 10: Da Isla San Cristóbal a Puerto Ayora, visita alla Riserva delle Tartarughe delle Highlands e alla Stazione di Ricerca Charles Darwin
Giorno 11: Esplorate un'isola disabitata
Giorno 12: Da Puerto Ayora a Puerto Villamil, escursione a Los Túneles
Giorno 13: Escursioni sul vulcano Sierra Negra
Giorno 14: Puerto Villamil Stand-Up Paddle Boarding, Trasferimento a Puerto Ayora, Cena d'addio in riva al mare.
Giorno 15: Da Puerto Ayora all'isola di Baltra, partenza.
Tel: +39 331 332 4922
Wilson OE 7-56 y Diego de Almagro,
Quito - Ecuador.
Just left us a
star reviewGabriela from the Responsible Travel SA, is an exceptional and dedicated travel consultant. Just minutes after my inquiry, she reached out and patiently helped me plan my Amazon trip. Her prompt, detailed advice and flawless organization made both my time in Yasuni-Napo and my Galápagos tour unforgettable. We met in person in Quito, became friends, and have stayed in touch ever since. Alma
Francisco was very helpful to find a boat for a good price compared to other agencies.He also customized our Trip as we asked to; he selected a super good guide for us in Quito, Ximena. She understood that we wanted to have authentic experiences and ahe brought us to real local markets around Quito. Galapagos is an unforgettable place, unique in the world,’s important to check and get info about the prices for the boats because there are many options. Francisco can help about that for sure! Quito,Cotopaxi and Quilotoa are very nice.
Wir, 6 Freunde, hatten wunderbare Tage in der Atacama Wüste. Die Planung vorab mit WeDesign zu gestalten, war eine sehr gute Entscheidung. Wir haben den Service erstmalig genutzt und dadurch viel Zeit vor Ort gespart. Die Planung und Abwicklung war sehr kundenfreundlich und unproblematisch. Am Ende hatten wir eine unvergessliche Zeit, was Dank der Reiseexperten wunderbar funktioniert hat. Die Kommunikation vor Ort über WhatsApp war völlig ausreichend. Die Reiseleitung durch Maurice, Reiseleiter vor Ort, in Englisch konnten wir immer gut verstehen. Jede Frage wurde ausreichend beantwortet, überschwänglich mit viel Begeisterung. Wir empfehlen WeDesign unbedingt weiter.
Preko spleta smo zbirali informacije in ponudbe za letovanje v Ekvadorju, pri čemer smo naleteli na spletno stran Responsible Travel… in danes smo prepričani, da to ni bil slučaj, ampak nam je bilo to očitno namenjeno. Ker smo želeli izvedeti več od Responsible Travel, smo se najprej povezali z njimi preko 'chat-a' in nato je stekla nadaljnja komunikacija.. z Gabrielo :) Gabriela nam je bila vedno pripravljena pomagati z nasveti in predlogi. Tako smo uskladili podrobnosti našega dopusta, za katerega lahko samo rečemo, da je izpolnil vsa naša pričakovanja - še več, nekaj dodanih 'biserčkov' nam je prijetno dopustovanje še dodatno začinilo in pustilo nepozabne spomine. Draga Gabriela, najlepša hvala za vse, v neizmerno zadovoljstvo nama je, da smo se povezali…
Viagem Incrível a Galápagos, organizada por Joseph da Responsible Travel! Minha viagem a Galápagos, de 3 a 8 de dezembro, foi uma experiência inesquecível, graças ao trabalho excepcional de Joseph, da Responsible Travel. Desde o início, ele demonstrou um profissionalismo impressionante, planejando um itinerário perfeito, equilibrando exploração e descanso, e garantindo que todos estivessem confortáveis e bem cuidados. Joseph indicou passeios incríveis que realmente mostraram a diversidade e beleza única de Galápagos. Ele estava sempre disponível para esclarecer dúvidas e coordenou as atividades com excelente atenção aos detalhes, proporcionando uma viagem sem contratempos e cheia de descobertas. Com sua liderança, cada momento foi aproveitado ao máximo, e a viagem se tornou ainda mais especial. Recomendo de coração a Responsible Travel e Joseph para quem busca uma experiência autêntica e bem organizada em Galápagos.
Nosso sonho era conhecer as ilhas de Galápagos e foi realizado graças ao Joseph que fez um roteiro incrível de viagem para nós e nossos amigos. Nós não tivemos que nos preocupar com nada, traslados, hotéis e passeios todos bem reservados e planejados. Nós recomendamos a empresa e os serviços do Joseph de olhos fechados.
Joseph da Responsible Travel nos ajudou a planejar nossa viagem para Galapagos. Ele montou um roteiro incrível e foi muito atencioso desde o primeiro contato, estando sempre disponível para eventuais dúvidas, inclusive durante a viagem! Ficamos impressionados com a organização de todos os passeios, todos saíram no horário estipulado e não tivemos nenhum problema. Os guias mostraram muito conhecimento sobre as ilhas, além de falarem inglês e espanhol fluentes. Galápagos é um lugar único e apaixonante, e eu não vejo a hora de voltar!
A empresa foi comunicativa desde o primeiro contato. Tivemos uma ótima experiencia com o Joseph que nos orientou sobre todos os passeios e nos auxiliou em nosso roteiro fantástico. Excelente!!!
Fue una experiencia maravillosa desde el comienzo. Gracias a la información y consejos de Monica de Responsible travel, hubo una excelente organización desde el aeropuerto de gye donde personas nos esperaban para agilizar el viaje. En Galapagos el crucero fue fantástico. Lo volvería a repetir visitando nuevas islas.
Todo muy bien Jazmin muy atenta y pendiente de todos los detalles Excelente viaje a Galápagos un paraíso Gracias por tu ayuda Jazmin
The customer service/advice I received from Responsible Travel is EXCELLENT. They have always been available. Jazmin, my consultant, always answered my questions very quickly, and I had A LOT. Her local knowledge of the region was invaluable, and the key to making my trip an adventure I will never forget!! The guides they put me in contact with were excellent!! I saw so many unique and RARE wildlife in Ecuador, many endemic to their country. It was truly a dream!
Galapagos by la pinta provides an amazing experience for everyone that we have the opportunity to share those wonderful memories in the Galápagos Islands. It all started with the sales person whose name is Monica who detailed everything about the trip with precision. The boat staff are exceptional trained and performed their duties with the outmost professionalism. One thing to say THANKS FOR THE WONDERFUL MEMORIES.
Ótimo serviço e suporte. Gaby foi a nossa consultora e estava sempre disponível para responder dúvidas, fornecer informações e foi muito flexível para adaptar os nossos planos para visitar Galápagos. O custo acabou limitando o tempo da nossa viagem, pois o nosso orçamento não era muito alto. Porém recebemos o que foi pago, com assistência constante e de alta qualidade.
Excellent experience in our Galapagos trip. Our coordinator Gabriela was very helpful and always responded immediately when we had questions. The drivers and guides were also very professional. The cost is a bit on the pricy side, but one can rest assured that the trip will run smoothly when assisted by them!
Responsible Travel Ecuador provided excellence in all areas of the trip. Jazmin provided excellent advice, and itinerary planning based on my stated goals of observing specific wildlife! Excellent, will do business with them again in the future!
This agency helped us plan a memorable trip to Ecuador and the Galapagos. Cynthia was our coordinator, she was timely and professional with all communication and detailed from beginning to end. Cynthia was able to include everything we wanted to experience and open to our feedback to help create the final itinerary. The daily excursions were great, especially in Ecuador where we had Danny as our guide and Luis as our driver. Luis was safe and timely in all transportation and Danny went above and beyond at every step. At one point I wasn't feeling well and Danny went out of his way to find me some medicine. Danny was also extremely knowledgeable on everything.. history, the agriculture, the people.. 10/10 guide! Overall a great agency to work with!
Ha sido un viaje maravilloso, bien organizado, muy seguro, el guía Sebastián categoría premium sabe de todo, amable, responsable y maneja el coche de maravilla, prudente y ciertamente excepcional para su juventud. Yo repetiré viaje con esta agencia y haré Amazonia. Violeta Miguel
Monica from Responsible Travel Ecuador was extremely helpful, efficient and attentive. She found me an excellent offer for a cruise in the Galapagos and we thoroughly enjoyed our trip. Everything went smoothly and I can highly recommend Monica. She took care of every detail.
I was so lucky to find Gabriela! I was planning a last-minute trip to Ecuador and wanted to make the most of the limited time I had. Gabriela offered me a few different options to consider before I decided to join a cruise in the Galapagos. Once I made my decision, she went above and beyond to make it happen (I booked just two days before it started!). She was always available for any questions I had, even during unconventional hours, and her attention to detail was impressive. Even after I booked, she kept in touch to ensure everything was going smoothly. I would definitely recommend anyone planning a trip to Ecuador to connect with Gabriela. I’ll be sure to reach out to her again next time I return! Thank you, Gabi!
I was so lucky to find Gabriela! I was planning a last-minute trip to Ecuador and wanted to make the most of the limited time I had. Gabriela offered me a few different options to consider before I decided to join a cruise in the Galapagos. Once I made my decision, she went above and beyond to make it happen (I booked just two days before it started!). She was always available for any questions I had, even during unconventional hours, and her attention to detail was impressive. Even after I booked, she kept in touch to ensure everything was going smoothly. I would definitely recommend anyone planning a trip to Ecuador to connect with Gabriela. I’ll be sure to reach out to her again next time I return! Thank you, Gabi!
Uma viagem inesquecível, onde tudo saiu conforme o esperado, sem falhas ou qualquer contratempo. Tudo, desde a recepção até o final foi um exemplo de competência e organização admiráveis. Equador não é um destino como outros, e no nosso caso teve roteiros variados, como uns dias na Amazônia, Cruzeiro para visitar as ilhas mais distantes de Galápagos e visita às principais ilhas. Bastante coisa pra ser organizada mas deu tudo certo. Galápagos foi incrível, a conexão com a natureza foi perfeita e eu só tenho a agradecer a Gabriela Cadena que conseguiu captar exatamente o que a gente queria e colocou no nosso roteiro tudo com maestria. Recomendo a agência e a Gabriela sem medo de errar.
One of the best trips of my life! I absolutely loved Ecuador and the variety of landscapes it offers (from the coast to the Andes and the Amazon rainforest). The trip was very well organized and made easy for us. The guides were all very knowledgeable and generally helped us have a great time. Would absolutely repeat.
Genial, atención personalizada por parte de Santiago ( nuestro agente) desde el inicio hasta el fin del tour super preocupados por como se desenvuelve el viaje. Los recomiendo
Excelente experiencia, agencia seria, disponible y cumplidora. Reservamos un crucero en Galápagos y la atención de Jazmín ha sido estupenda en todo momento, super recomendados.
A HUGE thank you to Responsible Travel and our wonderful coordinator Gabriela for making our August visit to the Galapagos and Amazon absolutely amazing! Gabriela catered the trip to our specific family's needs and capabilities, and every logistical step went very smoothly. The accommodations were top-notch, as were the local guides in each destination. We saw every animal we were hoping to see, and then some! We felt so secure and cared for in the hands of Responsible Travel that I've already recommended our exact itinerary to four additional families. This trip was incredible!!
Excelente y personalizado servicio por parte de Cynthia. El crucero fue fenomenal así como vuelos, traslados, guías y comidas. Sin sorpresas.
Servicio impecable, Cynthia nos acompañó durante todo el proceso de reserva, enviándonos información actualizada y resolviendo todas nuestras dudas vía WhatsApp casi al momento. Tanto los guías como los vuelos, crucero, comidas, traslados y actividades fueron perfectos. Muy recomendable para evitar sustos y despistes y conocer Galápagos con total comodidad.
We could not be happier with our experience with this agency. The service provided by Maria Jose, who was our trip coordinator, was outstanding from day one. She made sure to understand our goals and vision for the trip, and was patient enough to work through multiple itinerary versions until we finalized it together. The chose the correct hotels, routes, and activities based on what we spoke about, and the guides/personnel on the ground that they reserved for us were trustworthy, puntual, and very knowledgeable. Every day they checked in on us with a text, to make sure that everything was going accordingly, which is a sign of excellent service. I highly recommend working with Maria Jose/Tamer and the entire Responsible Ecuador Travel team - I will do so for my next trip as well. 5/5, thank you!
Mónica was always for us available, all the staff of Galaxy Orion were really great and we had wonderful days in the boat and in Galapagos. Many thanks for all
Al haber contratado un plan con Responsible Travel me di cuenta de su organización y de como pueden recomenrdarte las mejores opciones para conocer el Ecuador. Definitivamente los volveré a contratar para un futuro.
Al haber contratado un plan con Responsible Travel me di cuenta de su organización y de como pueden recomenrdarte las mejores opciones para conocer el Ecuador. Definitivamente los volveré a contratar para un futuro.
Cynthia my contact of the agency Responsible Travel resolved all my doubts and questions of the trip. She keep me informed about muy bookings and updates of my itinerary. Also she ensure that everything went well.
Visiting the Galápagos islands aboard the Bonita yacht was the best decision I could have made while visiting Ecuador. It was an incredible experience that I will be thinking about until I am able to come back again. I want to thank my wonderful agent Anthony for his help in booking. He is very knowledgeable and ensured that the planning process was a breeze. Anthony checked in with us every step of the way to make sure that we were prepared and comfortable throughout the whole trip. I also want to thank the wonderful crew: Cris, Diana, Cap. Joffre, Diego, Carlos, Marcos, Marcelo, Jairo, Chef Homar, and Chef Danny. Without them, the trip would not have been as amazing and unforgettable as it was. Cris was an awesome, patient, and fun guide that explained the history and fun facts of the island very well! Chef Homar and Chef Danny cooked all our delicious meals and Chef Homar even shared with us a lesson in salsa dancing! Diana made sure that everyone was taken care of and the rest of the crew made sure that everything was smooth sailing! I can tell that this crew is really close and that they enjoy working together! I cannot recommend this experience enough, from the blue footed boobies, to the giant tortoises, to swimming with the hammerhead sharks! I hope to come back one day and bring my family and when I do, I will make sure to book with Anthony again at Responsible Travel Ecuador!
Incredible organization specially from Karen, who provided us all necessary information and tips for our travel. She is very professional and polite person. We recommend her services.
Incredible organization specially from Karen, who provided us all necessary information and tips for our travel. She is very professional and polite person. We recommend her services.
I highly recommend Responsible Travel Ecuador. They are very professional and flexible to organize the perfect trip for you.Gabriela organized the trip for us to mainland, Amazon and Galapagos islands and she was excellent.She did everything for us and the entire itinerary was a unique experience. Our guide Wellington on the mainland was very helpful and knowledgeable and we really enjoyed our time with him!! We enjoyed every activity and will definitely return in the future to this beautiful country!!
Gaby did an incredible job helping me plan a trip to Yasuni National Park, Quito, and the Galápagos Islands. She took all of the stress out of finding good guides and all of the logistics involved in flights, lodging, transportation, and all of the other planning aspects of a big two week trip. Excellent communication with fast responses any time I had questions leading up to and during the trip as well. Highly recommend!
They are a super friendly and professional company that, as their name says, is working in an ethical and green way, which is super important in these times.
Paul our agent was wonderful; very friendly and went above and beyond to help us organise a dream holiday.
Notre voyage aux Galapagos était super bien organisé, les jours avec visites autant que le temps libre ! Les hôtels choisis par l'agence étaient très confortables et accueillants, et les guides sur place super accueillants ! Aucun problème ... donc toute la famille n'a eu qu'à en profiter!
I planned a trip to South America at the last minute, and Gaby was incredible! She created an amazing itinerary with me where I was able to go to Quito, the Galapagos islands, and Cuzco Peru. It was a truly unforgettable trip, and I would strongly recommend that you consider Gaby for your next South American adventure. She can help as little or as much as you need and is extremely responsive. I am a big fan of hers now!
Cuentan con paquetes muy buenos y se adaptaron a mis necesidades para viajar en crucero a galápagos
Fue una reserva de última hora de un tour en barco por Galápagos y nos ayudaron en todo momento. Grandes profesionales y el tour fue maravilloso
Responsible Travel Ecuador helped us find the outfit that met our needs in our visit to Galapagos. Interaction with our agent was easy and effective. She was really responsive and provided us with all the information we needed - also suggestions for further visits in Ecuador's mainland. I definitely would recommend Responsible Travel Ecuador for any travel needs in that beautiful country.
Responsible Travel es una agencia de viajes que ha dejado una huella imborrable en mi corazón. Recientemente tuve la oportunidad de explorar las maravillas de Ecuador a través de su excelente servicio, y no puedo dejar de elogiar su enfoque responsable y comprometido con la sostenibilidad. Desde el momento en que me puse en contacto con ellos, su equipo demostró una gran atención y pasión por brindar experiencias auténticas y respetuosas con el entorno local.
I did multiple family treks with this company and the service is impeccable. Staff always has a smile and big energy to inspire you to expand your horizons. A big shout to everyone and thank you for such a wonderful experience!